Better Together

We value sharing life together, not just a few hours one day of the week. Regardless of where you are in life, you can find a small group at Dianella Church of The Nazarene to share life and experience God’s love with.


We are an intergenerational community where all ages learn and grow together, and all people- regardless of age, ability, or gender- are seen as valued members that have something to teach and something to learn. 


We are an intercultural community that embraces the beauty found in every culture. We see God’s fingerprints in each other and our diverse backgrounds; however, we also realise that there are distortions within our cultures as well. We seek to learn from one another by sharing our cultural gifts and honouring the gifts of others.

JOY is a Greek word that stems from the Greek word Grace. Grace means inclined towards, interested in, or favouring. Joy is the ever-increasing awareness that God is genuinely interested in us and God’s face is ever upon us in Love.

We want to grow in Joy together because it is this awareness that empowers us to strive for PEACE. In Hebrew, the word for Peace is Shalom and it implies a reality where everyone has enough, no one is in need and all exist in right relationship with God, others, themselves, and creation. 

We are not perfect and we recognise that the world is far from experiencing the Peace of Shalom. However, we believe that the more we realise God’s love for us and all of creation, the more we can live in that love and be transformed towards greater Peace within ourselves, our communities, and all of creation.


High-schoolers aged 12-18

Monthly Hang Outs

Once a month on Sunday after church at the Parsonage. Just ask for directions on Sunday Morning.

Friends are welcome and prior registration is not required.


During a lock-in, the youth are locked inside the church (with appropriate safety protocols and leadership) during the night and can play games, watch movies, do sports, eat, hang out and attempt to stay up the entire night.


From time to time, the youth will gather together and participate in fun activities.


Stay tuned for exciting new opportunities to attend camps together!

Running Group

Free- Saturday @ 7 am

All abilities are welcome. You do not need to attend Dianella Church to participate. Simply contact Emman Chapman for more information.