
Welcome to Dianella Nazarene Church.

Perhaps you are new to the whole idea of the ‘church’. Perhaps not.

People who visit us for the first or second time usually tell us that our church is like a family. We consider that as a big compliment.

We want everyone in this family to have a safe place. So, you can come as you are and we respect where you are in your faith journey. Together we explore what it means to follow Jesus. Relationships matter to Jesus. That’s why we come together. To celebrate Him together, to come closer to Jesus and each other.

Dianella Church of The Nazarene is 60 years old. Over time our community has become increasingly multicultural with people from different countries such as Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, U.K., Greece, Brazil, USA, New Zealand, Africa and other nations. We believe this reflects the reality of Perth and Australia as well as the global culture of the world in which we live.

We gather together as the church on Sundays. Additionally, we embrace our community through the Manna Storehouse and Craft Cafe. Participating and serving in one of these ministries is a great way of connecting better with the community of Dianella Nazarene and the surrounds.

If you are looking for a community to belong to, we hope that you will find Dianella Church of the Nazarene to be a place of HOPE for you where you can know that you are welcome just as you are!

There is always room at God’s Table! We want you to know that you already belong, and we would love to embrace you! We desire to be a place where all people and creation can be Healed from Oppression and Perfected in their ability to Express this hope to others (H.O.P.E.). We ourselves are still growing in Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, so we are far from perfect. However, we actively seek to participate with God as wounded healers and hope you will join us!


Learn more about who we are and what to expect when you join us.

What we believe

Never heard of the Church of the Nazarene before, no worries, look here to find out what we believe.

Mission and Vision

Find out what drives us and why.


Perhaps you have some questions before you would like to visit us. Maybe we can already help you with a frequently asked question.